Refunds, Returns, And Exchanges

Order cancellation

All orders can be canceled until they are processed and shipped. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be canceled.


Our customer satisfaction is our #1 priority. We want to fulfil orders with confidence. That’s why we proudly offer absolute satisfaction guarantees that ensure you our customers will receive a purchased item on time and as described.

Our primary goal is making our customers happy, so everyone who shops with us receives the following guarantees:

  • Refund if the item is not as described or damaged;
  • Refund minus the shipping cost if our customer does not want the product they received. The customer must return the item at his expense to our warehouse and the item must be unused.

Refunds are not available under the following circumstances:

  • customer’s order does not arrive due to an incorrect address provided by the customer;
  • customer’s order does not arrive due to exceptional circumstances beyond our control (e.g. delayed by a natural disaster).

How do refunds, returns, and exchanges work in our Store?

  • In case of a damaged or incorrect product, the customer is required to submit photo evidence within 14 days of receiving the item. If the claim is approved, a refund will be issued.
  • If the product packaging is damaged but the product itself is intact, the customer must submit a claim to the shipping carrier directly.
  • Missing order: In case a package is delivered (based on tracking number update) but the customer claims that they did not receive the item, the customer must submit a claim to the shipping carrier directly. As a retailer, your orders will be deemed delivered and in satisfactory condition if you do not report the issue within the time frame.

If you experienced any of the above scenarios, you must report the issue within 14 days of receipt. Otherwise, you agree that the product is deemed delivered and satisfactory.

How do I request a refund, return, or exchange?

Handling returns is an essential part of running a business. ChichisDesigns store is here to help! We have put together the following steps to make this process easier:

  1. In the event of a refund, return, or exchange request the customer, please contact our Customer Support team via email at support @ and include the evidence if required.
  2. After we have approved the order refund, return, or exchange, the product must be returned to our warehouse at the following address: 14460 Myford Rd, Irvine, CA 92606, USA.
  3. The customer must return the product and provide a tracking number.
  4. Once the tracking number has been provided (or once we have received the returned product), a replacement product will be shipped or a refund minus the shipping cost will be credited back to the card or original method of payment on file.
  5. In order for us to ship a replacement product or process a refund for a damaged or incorrect product we require a tracking number for the item returned.

If you have any queries or questions please contact our support team at support @